Inside Toby’s Brain

PMD Xmas Card Envelopes and 2022 Year in Review…and how the heck is it 2023?!?

Another year, another…something? As cliched as it is to say, I’m baffled that another year has slipped by. On the one hand, it’s great we all made it through to be reading (or writing in my case) this here blog post. On the other hand…where did the time go? I don’t often think about how old I am, and the fact that I keep getting older (though I do think about other people getting older, strangely), but more and more these days I am aware of my age and just how many things I still haven’t managed to accomplish. It’s very

What Time Is It?

It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time!

(That’s the answer to the question/title of this post…in case you didn’t read the title)

Did you happen to notice? I posted a new IPMDT strip for the first time in, like, a year. Literally. I had said a week or so ago that I was aiming to start working on the strip again this past Monday (which happened to be June 1. Now, I view dates as random in general, but sometimes certain things happen on certain dates and the coincidence makes my Brain happy. First IPMDT panel in a year on the first day of

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