Only a full month (plus) late and down a few dozen pens (not really, but I killed quite a few this year), I'm finally done with Inktober 2024. I'm always behind schedule, because that's how life is and I have this habit of noodling and obsessing over details. In general, though, I do kind of feel like I work faster, but because of that, I think I plan more complicated pieces. This year felt like I had a lot more interruptions in the studio, which I think predominantly came from my recovery process from thumb surgery (I won't completely
It's September, so you know what that means! Well, okay, maybe you're new here (and if you are, welcome and thank you! I hope you stick around). My super awesome, supportive (and patient) wife loves dragons. She works in IT, and thus spends a great deal of time stuck in front of a computer monitor. Years ago I had the brilliant idea to start drawing dragons for her birthday that she can use as her wallpaper on her monitor, and an annual tradition was born. The general idea that has developed over the years I will eventually (I hope)
American Ninja Warrior 2025: Change on the Horizon
I haven't given up yet. With just a few days to spare, I continued my streak of entering the American Ninja Warrior contest, but I did it with mixed feelings. Change is an inevitable fact of life, a contest like American Ninja Warrior (ANW) is not immune. Fellow long-time fans of the show have seen the American version of the contest evolve over the last 17 seasons. Initially, a single competitor won a chance to compete on the original Japanese show, Sasuke. As the popularity of Sasuke and the ANW contest grew, NBC eventually launched their own
Happy Mother’s Day 2024!
It's already that time of year again! Time seems to whip by me with annoying speed these days. It should stop that. No matter how poor my concept of the passage of time is, I always make time for my annual Mother's Day card for my awesome wife. In the grand scheme of things, it's perhaps too small a gesture, but it's still a special one from me. It's a one of a kind, personal, unique expression from me for her, and sharing it publicly gives me an excuse to mention my love and appreciation for her. I suppose
2024 Sewing Project Round-up
Obligatory "I can't believe it's already MARCH of 2024". Truly, though, I can't. It doesn't help that our winter has been lame (but global warming isn't real. Nope. No way), I feel like it hasn't even started and yet the stupid trees have stupid buds. I absolutely loved every minute I spent snowboarding so far, I always do (even when conditions stink), but I want more. Also, I only managed one campout in the cold weather (on the coldest night of the year), and it didn't even dip below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a bummer. I was looking
2023 Year in Review
Alright, I'm notoriously bad at grasping the passage of time, but instead of being bewildered that 2023 just ended, I'm a tad surprised that I almost titled this post "2024 Year in Review". I think that's the first time I've thought more time had passed, rather than less. Either way, growing up in the 80s and 90s, thinking ahead to anything past the year 2000 always seemed like the future. I mean, yes, literally it was, but I mean some kind of sci-fi, flying cars, robots, teleportation, and computer brain implants utopia kind of future. I suppose there are plenty of things
Please let me know what you think, it makes my brain happy.