Okay, it’s update time on this snow day. I’ve decided that, for now, I’ll add a new PMD Brainism on Monday’s.  The image will stay static…but I may change that once I finish up some other odds and ends in the future. For now, be entertained by what my brain thinks is important to tell me at all hours of the day.

I added a new image to the gallery, another concept piece and early digital drawing: The Rogue Dream Squad. It’s from that graphic novel I keep referencing (but not finishing)-Revery.  The two Cobblies are Gwan and Jeeto, members of the Rogue Dream Squad whose job it is to find, pick, and chuck any rogue dreams that land in the Cobbly city, rather than where they belong-the dream fields. Here’s an interesting story about where I got the names for those two characters: in the notes I jotted down, and in the script and thumbnails, as I was unable at the time to come up with clever names, I referred to them as Guard One and Guard Two.  Seeing as that was tedious to keep writing throughout the rough scripting/thumbnailing stage, I shortened them to G1 and G2…and my brain said “Verily! Those would make superb names for these fine fellows! I shall dub them Gwan and Jeeto!”

In other studio happenings, I’m still slowly plugging away on that “10 Things” children’s book based on the announcer’s test.  My initial goal was a page a day, but between getting this here lovely website up and running, kid interruptions, and the fact that I’m now on “7 thousand Macedonians dressed in full battle array”…progress has slowed considerably.  These last handful of pages are going to be the most challenging, as they have the most (and the craziest) stuff on them. I’ll get through it, though.

Anywho, here’s the pencil stage of the image in the gallery…Toby-Gray-pencil-rogue-dream-squad-FW