Project Description

INKTOBER 2023 Day #10: FORTUNE. “New merch idea: Magic Monkey Ball. Like everyone’s favorite fortune-telling device the Magic 8 Ball, but better because it’s filled with random Plunger Monkey pearls of wisdom, which I refer to as ‘PMD Brainisms’. My Brain frequently tells me strange things, weird word pairings, nonsensical new words, and wacky phrases. At some point, I started writing them down, confident that these things needed to be archived but unsure what to do with them. Some of them I could probably illustrate for a book, but most of them don’t make enough sense. They’re still amusing, though (at least to me). When I created my website a lifetime ago, one of the features I added early on was a PMD Brainism. It was just an illustration of PMD holding one of his signs that I would change the words on every so often. I’ve always wanted to do more with the Brainisms, but I haven’t ever figured out what. A Magic 8 Ball-type toy could be amusing, but maybe a digital one would be amusing-er. I could update the random list as frequently as my Brain (which, I essentially believe is Plunger Monkey) comes up with new things, I could maybe incorporate some more PMD art…It could be a whole thing. Eventually. Maybe. On a separate note, I got to go a little ‘M.C. Escher’ with this one. I remember being mesmerized by some of his drawings of reflections when I was younger. So much so that I did it myself multiple times over the years. In fact, one year in high school I won a state-wide scholastic art award for a self-portrait/still life I set up that included a small mirror, a knife, and a pair of highly polished metal balls, which was inspired by that famous Escher piece ‘Hand with Reflecting Globe’. That was a fun project.” Are you enjoying these monkey-filled pen and ink illustrations? Would you like to see even more of them, and be able to hold them in your very own hands? Then grab yourself a copy of my Inktober art book INKLINGS: