Project Description

INKTOBER 2023 Day #7: DRIP.

“I don’t know if anyone will get ‘drip’ from looking at this. ‘Candle’, ‘light’, maybe some emotional state, but probably not ‘drip’. This is what came to mind, though, and it offered me some fun technical and creative opportunities (as well as yet another future merch idea: plunger candles…scent to be determined…). It’s a relatively simple composition, which allowed me to work with bigger strokes and play with open, empty areas. I got to play around with a stronger light source and figure out cast shadows. It was just plain fun.
This image also reminded me of a birthday candle I (and my siblings each) had growing up. It was big and fancy and had ages printed on the side. Every birthday we would light the candle and let it burn down to my current age. I don’t remember what age it went to, or whatever happened to it (I don’t think we continued to use it all the way through, but I can’t remember). It was a fun little tradition I had completely forgotten about until working on this.”

Are you enjoying these monkey-filled pen and ink illustrations? Would you like to see even more of them, and be able to hold them in your very own hands? Then grab yourself a copy of my Inktober art book INKLINGS: