I’ve been hinting at it for weeks now, but it’s finally up and running! The official It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time! comic strip! I had no idea when I embarked on the Inktober challenge last year that it would eventually lead me to something that’s been a pipe dream clattering around my brain for years. One of the many reasons I had never featured PMD in his own comic of any type was that I was having a hard time nailing down his personality and how I wanted to “use” him. I had this vague sense of who he was, but he didn’t feel concrete enough for me to do anything with him. Now, after years of drawing cards and other random illustrations of him, he’s finally starting to solidify. I expect he’ll continue to evolve (ha ha), but I feel ready to put him out there, all the while still plugging away at my self-portraiture goals (namely, getting better at drawing my cartoon self for eventually working on Revery again). I’m having fun letting the comic strip take shape the same way things are unfolding in my head, it’s sort of stream-of-consciousness stuff. There are currently 4 installments posted, but I have 13 in the bag right now. My goal is to stay well ahead of my posting so I’m never feeling pressured, we’ll see how long that keeps up.

So, now that It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time! is an actual thing, start spreading the word, if you would. Although, if you think it’s lame and can’t stand the grinning simian with the plunger hat (or me…but then again, why would you be reading this…), then, uh, keep it to yourself and spread the word anyway. If the strip picks up any steam, it will segue nicely into the whole t-shirt thing that I’ve been talking about for over a year, as well as a few other PMD related product ideas (and, hey, if I develop a following, it should be a good thing for some of the other non-PMD projects I want to do, as well).

Just a few quick notes about the current state of the site, the most current comic strip should display on the main page (there’s a little number at the bottom center of each strip). If you missed one (or lots), you can click the button under the strip to go to the archives page, or you could use the It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time! tab in the main menu bar at the top. Clicking on the strip itself should bring you to a page with just that strip on it along with any caption I may have written about it’s creation or content. In general site news, I’m still trying to figure out how to remove some of the gaps between items on the main page, it doesn’t seem to be as straight forward as I thought it would be. So just bear with the unsightliness until I figure it out.

Anydingos, enjoy (hopefully), and tell anyone with ears, eyes, and internet to come check out It’s Plunger Monkey Dynamo Time!