Current Projects

Gallery Update: Sketches, Random Doodle-age and Some Stuff

I got to do a bit of non-digital drawing this weekend, which is always nice. I’ve been wanting to get outside to do some drawing again, and I finally had an opportunity/excuse. My generous and awesome wife took the kids to a local park while I did some chores before meeting up with them and their friends. Once I got there, they ended up taking off to sell some popcorn for Cub Scouts for a short while, leaving me at the park with my sketch book, pens, and markers. It was really nice to just sit, observe, and draw. I

Gallery Update: Random Doodleage…and another reveal…

Still not ready for the PMD themed post (I won’t say retrospective again…wait…), still too much editing and still hoping to get a few pictures or scans of some PMD cards I’ve sent out over the years. In the meantime I’m edging closer to getting my shirt designs uploaded, which is inching me closer to opening the “shop”. I’m also designing some shirts for my oldest son’s Boy Scout troop and trying to source a local print shop to handle the job.

Anywhat, I thought I’d add some more random art to the gallery. The Vampire Banana featured above was an

Gallery Update: One Last Mother’s Day Card…and something special…

Alright, before we get too much further out from Mother’s Day 2015, I wanted to post up the card I made for my sister-in-law and my brother, who are expecting their first child soon. They’ll make great parents, with or without any assistance or advice from Plunger Monkey. Doing custom, personalized, hand drawn cards is usually my way of saying how important people are to me, or how happy I am for something that’s going on in their lives. I’m not sure if everyone notices, but the box on the front of the card appears to say “baby supplies”, but

Gallery Update: Willy McEyeballs

So tonight was our oldest son’s 6th grade band concert. I tend to get antsy at these because there’s so many people. I’ve been thinking lately that I need to do more sketch book sketching anyway, so I grabbed a fresh moleskin sketch book and mechanical pencil to give me something to do while listening to the band and to take my mind off the throngs of people.

moleskin I used to carry a moleskin all the time, but I found it cumbersome. I need more pockets. I was excited to be able to

Gallery Update, Undeserved Presents, and Randomness


Vinland-saga-book-3 I now have one…two…THREE Vinland Saga collections! Hahaha!

What can I say? My wife’s good. She either loves me or she’s trying to bribe me to do something (like finish the master bathroom…). Or both. Totally undeserved and unexpected, but yay nonetheless.

Anywho, I spent yesterday working on a “shout out” to be included in my middle son’s yearbook. He’s a fourth grader, which means he’ll be graduating and moving on to the middle school (where have the years gone?). Parents of fourth graders get to include a custom message in the printing

Gallery Update/Current Projects: The Evolution of Ostogri

I don’t have any new art to post at the moment, though I have been generating some. I’ve been plugging away at those t-shirt designs (all the while learning cool new Photoshop tricks to stream line things), which I hope to have done…sometime. I’m looking forward to having a good smattering of designs for sale and art I can add to the gallery here. I’ve spent some time working on a logo for a youth leadership program my cousin and his wife are heavily involved in. It was very different from what I normally do, but another opportunity to learn

Gallery Update: Current Projects

I’ve been working on a few side projects the last few weeks (like that single comic book page for Bill Gauthier), but I’m finally back to working on “my” stuff, which currently is coming up with some more t-shirt designs. I have a ton of ideas floating around in my head, a ton of fodder for ideas jotted down as notes, but only a small handful (5ish) of “finished” designs that are ready to be set up to sell. Those 5 designs are currently Plunger Monkey Dynamo related (with one squid), and while I think they’re cool…not everyone

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