
Happy Mother’s Day 2024!

It’s already that time of year again! Time seems to whip by me with annoying speed these days. It should stop that. No matter how poor my concept of the passage of time is, I always make time for my annual Mother’s Day card for my awesome wife. In the grand scheme of things, it’s perhaps too small a gesture, but it’s still a special one from me. It’s a one of a kind, personal, unique expression from me for her, and sharing it publicly gives me an excuse to mention my love and appreciation for her. I suppose that’s

Happy Mother’s Day 2023!

I hate the cliche about how fast any given year is whipping by, but, somehow it’s already Mother’s Day 2023. I haven’t processed January yet. Unfortunately, the space-time continuum seems to be unaffected by my concept of time, and it continues to march on. For now…

Anymonkeys, Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in my life! While I think it’s important to stop and appreciate all the people that make a difference in our lives more than once a year, it’s still good to have one day set aside to force us to remember to do so (see my aforementioned bafflement

Happy Mother’s Day 2022!

Happy Mother’s Day 2022 to all the moms out there, but especially my wife and my own mother. It’s been a little while since I’ve updated my website or posted a blog, but fear not, I have been busy in the studio. You can get near daily updates on what I’m working on by following me on Facebook or Instagram, but to sum things up, I’ve been working on a book project…but before I get into that, it’s time to debut this year’s Mother’s Day card for my wonderful, talented, hard-working, patient, understanding wife! I rely on her for so

Happy Mother’s Day 2021!

It’s that time of year again, when we collectively pause to appreciate the people that either brought us into this world, raised us, or brought our own children into this world. It’s been a challenging year-which is almost becoming a new cliched thing to say, unfortunately-but while I’m sad to have not been able to spend more time with my family, I am extremely grateful that I didn’t lose anyone close to me to the pandemic (though last year in general was a tough one for losing important people in my life: my grandmother, a close family friend, a young

Happy Mother’s Day, 2020!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. It is a very weird situation to try to celebrate the people in our lives that have played such vital roles during a pandemic when we can’t, or shouldn’t, be physically close. Whether it’s my own mother, my grandmother, my wife, my sister, my aunts…all the mothers in my life and my family have had a positive impact on my life, and it’s very fair to say I wouldn’t be here in one way or another without their love and support over the years. I love you all, and thank you.


Happy Mother’s Day 2019!

Here it is, the 2019 Mother’s Day card for my awesome wife!

Another year, another card for my wife on Mother’s Day. The dragon/kids keep growing. It’s always a challenge to come up with a new image, as I usually try to have it reference something we’ve done of note over the past year. It’s tough when the things of note are often the same, like hikes we’ve taken. We certainly try to hike a lot, so reflecting that is fine. It’s just coming up with scenes and compositions that aren’t

Gallery Update: Mother’s Day 2018-The Card

Happy Mother’s Day, 2018! I couldn’t do what I do and dream what I dream without my wife by my side or my mom (and all the other women in my family) supporting, encouraging, teaching, and raising me. I love all of you and I can’t put into words my gratitude.

Time for a peak at this year’s card!

The dragon kids are a year older. I try to go through pictures from the previous year and find one that represents something special-a place, a moment, an event-and then I try to capture it in

Gallery Update: Happy Day After Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there, particularly my own mother and my wife. You may recall the lengthy retrospective-type post I did last year of all my hand-drawn Mother’s Day cards that I’ve been making for my wife since our first child was born. Well, this is 2016’s:

Toby-Gray-MD-2016 Those are supposed to be stars spelling out “Happy Mother’s Day”, but I don’t think I went dark enough with the sky for it to “pop”.

All this drawing I’ve been doing since the Inktober challenge has really

Gallery Update: One Last Mother’s Day Card…and something special…

Alright, before we get too much further out from Mother’s Day 2015, I wanted to post up the card I made for my sister-in-law and my brother, who are expecting their first child soon. They’ll make great parents, with or without any assistance or advice from Plunger Monkey. Doing custom, personalized, hand drawn cards is usually my way of saying how important people are to me, or how happy I am for something that’s going on in their lives. I’m not sure if everyone notices, but the box on the front of the card appears to say “baby supplies”, but

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