
Gallery Update: I Haven’t Posted Since Last Year! And Other Hilarious Jokes…

Alright, that title was the only joke, and not much of one at that. Unless you consider me or this site a joke (or the fact that I first posted this blog post in the gallery instead of on my blog…)…but at least you’re here…

Anywhat, I thought the tail end of 2016 was crazy, project-wise, but the start of 2017 is looking even more packed, with some actual paid illustration work mixed in there! As far as the last projects of last year, I’ll be posting about each of them in the coming weeks (that’t the plan, anyway), but they

Gallery Update: We’re Off to See the Witches…

Well, it’s been quite a while since my last post, so much for the tablet making things easier! Actually, I’ve just been opting to draw in the evenings (on the tablet) rather than make updates. I should probably just set aside one particular evening or something and be consistent with it. I was actually in the middle of a post last night, but the tablet dipped below 60% battery life, which is when it flakes out and reboots itself. I was hopeful that a draft had been autosaved before that happened, but apparently not. Grumble grumble.

Anywhat, while I haven’t been

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