
Gallery Update: Inktober 2018 Wrap Up

We’re just over a week into November, so I guess I should finally get around to this here wrap up post about Inktober 2018. I believe (according to the art in my files) that my first foray into Inktobering was in 2015. It was a fun little challenge put out by comic artist and illustrator Jake Parker years prior. The idea was to improve one’s inking skills by doing one ink drawing a day (presumably on top of whatever other projects one might have). I don’t know if it was from the beginning or not, but at some

Gallery Update: Animal Totem Cards

If you’ve been following me on The Facebooks, you know that a big event in the real world happened last week: namely my middle son and his den crossed over from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts. I have very strong and fond memories of my own crossover, so as their den leader, I felt compelled to somehow connect my experience to theirs. One of the memorable parts of our Arrow of Light ceremony was that our Cub Master, dressed in full Native American regalia (which isn’t kosher these days for good reason), gave each of us an animal

Gallery Update: Happy Graduation, “Jack”! (and some other stuff)

Hey, maybe I’m back on track with site updates! Of course, this is the last week of school for my kids, so who knows what next week will bring.

Anyway, I’m powering through a headache to bring you this:

Toby-Gray-PMD-David-graduation Better take the warning seriously…

Hopefully this arrived in time for his college graduation party yesterday, otherwise…oops. One of my cousins, who really shouldn’t be old enough because time shouldn’t be moving forward, graduated from college recently. His family threw him a party yesterday, but, being 2+ hours away and busy, we weren’t able to

Gallery Update: Sketches, Random Doodle-age and Some Stuff

I got to do a bit of non-digital drawing this weekend, which is always nice. I’ve been wanting to get outside to do some drawing again, and I finally had an opportunity/excuse. My generous and awesome wife took the kids to a local park while I did some chores before meeting up with them and their friends. Once I got there, they ended up taking off to sell some popcorn for Cub Scouts for a short while, leaving me at the park with my sketch book, pens, and markers. It was really nice to just sit, observe, and draw. I

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