
New Shirt Alert: A New…Plunger?

Well, here we are in May (?!), and I’m finally getting around to releasing a new shirt (and if you want to skip my rambling and go straight to decorating your torso, and you missed the other links, you can go get yourself the new PMD Wars shirt here). This one was almost ready to go, much like the Blade of the Monkey shirt from the end of 2020, but I got hung up on the final look. I’m still not 100% sure (not that I ever am about anything) that this one is “done”, it’s one of those that

Get Your Cephalopod On! Literally!

Well, it’s not Monday, but I’m finally getting around to this here blog post in conjunction with the next shirt available for purchase. I made a bunch of little tweaks to this one, which started out looking like this:

This is the Multi Purpose Novelty Squid. I was fairly happy with this rendering back when I made it, and it holds up reasonably well to me now. I never really liked the text, though, and overall it just seemed to be missing something.

Here’s the updated version:


Work In Progress: Process

Well, today is the kids’ first official day of summer vacation, and I’m managing to update the site. Hopefully that bodes well for the summer. Before I get to the actual post, I’d like to wish all my fellow dad’s out there a Happy Belated Father’s Day. Were it not for my own dad, I probably wouldn’t be pursuing my crazy art dreams. When he was younger, he dreamed of being a cartoonist or animator, likely working for Disney (to this day he’s a huge Disney fan, you should see my parents’ house. There’s your standard figurines and art, but

Gallery Update: Happy Graduation, “Jack”! (and some other stuff)

Hey, maybe I’m back on track with site updates! Of course, this is the last week of school for my kids, so who knows what next week will bring.

Anyway, I’m powering through a headache to bring you this:

Toby-Gray-PMD-David-graduation Better take the warning seriously…

Hopefully this arrived in time for his college graduation party yesterday, otherwise…oops. One of my cousins, who really shouldn’t be old enough because time shouldn’t be moving forward, graduated from college recently. His family threw him a party yesterday, but, being 2+ hours away and busy, we weren’t able to

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