Project Description

This is a shirt and hoodie design I made for my youngest, purple-and-cat loving son: UFO Cat! It’s based off of a drawing he did back in (I think) elementary school. He brought it into my studio and told me I should make a shirt like that. It only took me 7 or 10 years to get around to it, but I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out. It’s available as a shirt on my Etsy store for any other purple/cat/ufo loving folks out there: click_key=52946e7d064e0356a9138f22114fce0161c04c57%3A1634226451&click_sum=e7402739&ref=shop_home_active_3

My youngest son’s inspiring illustration from many, many years ago. I’m not sure how he came up with it (other than a love for cats), but I thought it was awesome and very vibrantly colored.